Devan B Deyerin

Devan B. Deyerin

Devan grew up with his feet in the mud and his head full of tales with quests and valiant heroes and great beasts and magic swords. Homeschooled from a young age, he learned to feed goats and pick apples between mathematics and English lessons. More than anything he enjoyed the freedom to lose himself in a good book, and his mother encouraged him to read and write and draw horrible drawings of his own stories. It wasn’t until later, while attending community college during the peak of Covid, that Devan would be inspired enough to try and really put his own tale to paper.  

Again and again, he drafted the first chapter, knowing it had to be perfect, and finally his mother told him he had to write something, and at this rate she could write a better first chapter than him. The gauntlet thrown, both of them wrote their own chapters to compare and found with no small amount of surprise that they fit almost perfectly together, like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Since then, Devan has continued to write, both with and without his mother, finally giving voice to the stories that have always been rattling around in his head. 

by Devan B. Deyerin